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+6000 kinds of ELISA kits with high stability.

We focus on developing a wide range of ELISA kits with high quality in diverse applications to support biological scientists and researchers. Every month, three off-price products are offered in return for market’s recognition.

Rat Peroxisome ProlifeRat or Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARg) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:PPAR-G; PPARG1; PPARG2; NR1C3; Glitazone Receptor; Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 1 Group C Member 3

Rat Peroxisome ProlifeRator Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARg) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-PPARg-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity PPARg
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Selectin, Leukocyte (SELL) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:CD62L; L-Selectin; SEL-L; LAM1; LECAM1; LNHR; LSEL; LYAM1; Leu-8; Lyam-1; PLNHR; TQ1; HLHRc; MEL14; Lymphocyte Adhesion Molecule 1; Lymph Node Homing Receptor

Rat Selectin, Leukocyte (SELL) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-SELL-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity SELL
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Cystatin 3 (CST3) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:Cys-C; Cystatin C; Gamma Trace; Post-Gamma-Globulin; Neuroendocrine Basic Polypeptide; Amyloid Angiopathy And Cerebral Hemorrhage

Rat Cystatin 3 (CST3) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-CST3-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity CST3
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha (MIP1a) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:CCL3; MIP1-A; SCYA3; Chemokine C-C-Motif Ligand 3; Small Inducible Cytokine A3; Homologous To Mouse Mip-1a; Tonsillar Lymphocyte LD78 Alpha Protein

Rat Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1 Alpha (MIP1a) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-MIP1a-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity MIP1a
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:SEMAL; Hsema-I; Hsema-III; SEMA1; SEMAD; SEMAIII; SemD; Coll-1; Sema Domain,Immunoglobulin Domain(Ig),Transmembrane Domain(TM)and Short Cytoplasmic Domain 3A

Rat Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-SEMA3A-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity SEMA3A
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Nephrin (NPHN) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:NPHS1; CNF; Nephrosis 1; Congenital Finnish Type; Renal glomerulus-specific cell adhesion receptor

Rat Nephrin (NPHN) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-NPHN-Ra
Range 0.312-20ng/mL
Reactivity NPHN
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Kallikrein 1 (KLK1) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:KLKR; Klk6; HK1; Kallikrein 1,Renal/Pancreas/Salivary; Kidney/pancreas/salivary gland kallikrein; Tissue kallikrein

Rat Kallikrein 1 (KLK1) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-KLK1-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity KLK1
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

Rat Glypican 3 (GPC3) ELISA Kit

Synonyms:DGSX; OCI5; SDYS; SGB; SGBS1; MXR7; Glypican Proteoglycan 3; GTR2-2; Intestinal protein OCI-5; Secreted glypican-3

Rat Glypican 3 (GPC3) ELISA Kit
Catalog number DL-GPC3-Ra
Range 0.156-10ng/mL
Reactivity GPC3
Size 96-Well 8*12Strip Plate
Assay length 1-4.5Hours

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