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Tar DNA Binding Protein 43kDa (TDP43)

TAR DNA-binding protein is a cellular factor of 43 kDa that binds specifically to pyrimidine-rich motifs in TAR. Antibody to TDP-43 was used in gel retardation assays to demonstrate that endogenous TDP-43, present in HeLa nuclear extract, also bound to TAR DNA.
Although TDP-43 bound strongly to double-stranded TAR DNA via its ribonucleoprotein protein- binding motifs, it did not bind to TAR RNA extending from 1 to 80. TDP-43 is capable of modulating both in vitro and in vivo HIV-1 gene expression by either altering or blocking the assembly of transcription complexes that are capable of responding to Tat.TDP-43 is the major disease protein in both disorders.

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